Manual or Extra Tax

In normal operation, the automatic tax function will calculate withholding tax for an employee. This section is used to make manual contributions to override automatic tax, or to deduct additional tax contributions at the request of the employee.

Viewing or Editing Manual or Extra Tax:

  1. Select the Manual/Extra tax node for the employee.
    The Employees to pay Manual or Extra tax screen will open.
  2. View or edit the following fields as necessary:
Field Explanation
Tax Select the required tax deduction type from the drop-down list. It will usually be either:
  • Manual Tax $ based should be selected if you are overriding the automatic tax calculation.
  • Additional Tax $ based should be selected if you are making a contribution in addition to their standard tax contribution, for example in anticipation of a tax debt.
Hrs/Unit Enter the number of hours or units to be paid.
Uom Unit of measurement for this item.
Rate The dollar rate to be deducted for each unit.
Factor The factor is a multiplication which is applied to the taxation item to calculate any weighting, for example in the case of double time. It cannot be edited here.
Amount This will be calculated automatically .
Memo To record any notes relating to this deduction, double click in the memo field. Enter the required memo and then select Print on Payslip if you want the memo to print on a payslip, otherwise it will show only on reports. 
  1. Once you have made all of the required changes, click Apply.
    The changes will be saved and calculated.